What is a welcome and goodbye touch?

Just ask yourself how many times have you been to a massage?  Each massage simultaneously affects our physical and mental state. During the massage, a person relaxes psychophysically and recovers from various health problems faster and easier.


Arrival to the SPAeVITA Centre calms and relaxes the body and stimulates the release of positive hormones. Calm, relaxing music interwoven with scents of aromatic oils relaxes even further, while massages with special rituals at the beginning and end are really something you will not want to miss. Signature treatments and other massages include a welcome and goodbye touch - a ritual created by a renowned wellness therapist Pedja Filipović, who designed welcome and goodbye rituals used by therapists during massages. Massages thus provide a special type of comfort, relax the body and organism even further, all while building trust between the therapist and the guest.


There are two ways of performing welcome and goodbye rituals, depending on whether the guest is initially lying on his / her back or abdomen.


If the guest is lying on the back at the beginning of the massage, the welcome ritual begins by the therapist covering him / her with a towel, placing his / her hands on the chest and abdomen, and gently guiding him / her through deep inhalations and exhalations that help them relax. After deep breathing, the therapist begins a three-minute ritual where he stretches the guest`s shoulders and neck and massages his / her neck and scalp. After the welcome ritual, the guest is ready for a chosen massage, where the therapist eventually places the right palm on the part between the shoulders and the left palm on the neck. After three deep breaths, the therapist gently travels with his right palm from the neck to the left palm and with hands across the scalp. With this one-minute goodbye ritual, the therapist additionally heals the guest and makes the massage even more effective.


If the guest is lying on the abdomen at the beginning of the massage, the welcome ritual begins at the shoulder area, where the most tension builds up, and the contact of hands with the shoulders sends a message of trust. By lightly pressing on the shoulders while taking a deep inhalation and exhalation, the therapist moves to the part between the shoulder blades and neck, gently pressing with finger pads. After the head massage, the therapist travels to the feet with gently pressing his hands down and removing the towel from the guest when reaching the neck. The guest is relaxed and ready for the massage. The goodbye ritual lasts one minute with deep breaths and an additional neck massage.


Everyone sometimes needs a massage that improves the functioning of the body as well as the mind. Enjoy a massage every once in a while.

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Sauna programs are something you should not miss

Saunas also exist in other cultures. They are especially established in Finland, in their national culture and tradition. They are an integral part of almost every household there. Sauna is deeply embedded in the lifestyle and culture of the Finns, it is their sacred place. A place of complete relaxation. The first saunas were built two thousand years ago out of the need to survive the harsh winter conditions typical of Scandinavian region. When the Finns moved around the world, they transferred their love of saunas to other nations. Sauna (translated bath) is the only Finnish word in English vocabulary! If you spend one day in the sauna at Terme Tuhelj, we believe that you will see its magical features yourself. At the Sauna World of the Well Hotel, different sauna programs are exchanged every hour, designed to experience saunas as a place where you can fully relax - your sanctuary, a place where you can always go when the rhythm of obligations and the noise of everyday life is too much. The Sauna World includes four Finnish and three steam saunas and a Laconium, a dry bath that gently warms the body and prepares it for the exposure to high temperatures in one of the saunas. If you enter this sauna paradise for a few hours, you will forget about the time, the outside world, worries and stress. Each sauna has its own story, which is created by the sauna masters (in charge of the sauna guest experience) with different aromas, heat, sounds, all for the purpose of maximum relaxation of the guests. We recommend you to choose a day at the Sauna World with programs that attract you the most and indulge in an unforgettable art sauna experience. Aromatic air whirling programs with the addition of honey, yoghurt, grapes, salt and various aromatic oils, adapted to the season, are carried out in the salt and steam sauna. For lovers of sweet things, there are sugar scrubs and irresistible chocolate programs - just chocolate, mint chocolate or coconut chocolate. Mud programs are especially popular because they include thermal healing mud that matures at the source of the Tuhel thermal water. Here are also Cleopatra's program, the Sweet Dreams program and many others. The Sauna World is always open to all, except in two cases. For women who want to turn the Sauna World into their private spa for friends, Ladies Day begins on Tuesdays at 6 pm - a day when sauna programs are reserved for women only. On Wednesdays, from 12 pm to 2 pm, and on Saturdays, from 10 am to 12 pm, saunas are reserved for family sauna-bathing. This is a time when parents with children can enjoy sauna programs that will introduce their love of saunas and healthy habits from an early age.

What is the Art&Spa Festival?

The Art&Spa Festival is an urban wellness and arts festival that encourages guests to be creative and let their imagination free in a fun way. Through various programs, workshops, concerts and tastings, guests get to know various branches of art that they subtly enjoy. The Art&Spa Festival consists of the Art&Spa School for Children, Art&Fun at the Water Planet, and Art&Wine with concerts and wine tastings.